Motorcycle Crashes: 85,000 More Troubling Statistics

In 2006, approximately 5,000 people lost their lives and 80,000 were injured in motorcycle crashes. We have blogged before about the staggering number of statistics when it comes to those killed or injured while riding motorcycles. Obviously, riders must wear protective gear to protect themselves with defensive driving since they have little other protection in the event of a crash. What the statistics show, however, is that motorcycle injuries and fatalities are on the rise. In 1996, 2,161 people were killed in motorcycle crashes. In ten years time this number had more than doubled to 4,810. In 1996, 55,000 people were injured in motorcycle crashes and collisions whereas this number approximated 80,000 in the calendar year 2006.
Statistics are one thing but to suffer a serious injury or death for an individual is quite another. Each individual affected by a serious injury has experienced, by definition, a life altering event. Those who are lucky enough to survive must deal with the medical and vocational issues that follow, whereas their family members must deal with the loss of income and the possible destruction of the family bond caused by stress, economic hardship and medical issues.
Motorcycles are less expensive than automobiles, are more economical to operate and can be a great deal of fun but the statistics reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the Department of Transportation clearly indicate that motorcycle usage can be deadly. We have seen many wrongful death cases and serious injury cases arising out of motorcycle crashes. We continue to hope that all of our clients who ride motorcycles will wear their helmets and will drive defensively at all times, particularly in metropolitan areas where traffic is so congested and conditions so dangerous for motorcycle riders.

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