
Georgia Bicycling Laws

In addition to the bicycle laws already covered in past blogs, there are a few others with which all bike riders should be familiar.
One makes it unlawful for any person to sell a new bicycle or pedal unless the pedals on the bike or the pedal is equipped with a reflector of a type approved by the Department of Public Safety. The reflector must be situated so as to be visible from the front and rear of the bike during darkness from a distance of 200 feet.
Another statute makes it unlawful for any bike rider to carry any package, bundle or other article which prevents the rider from keeping at least one hand on the handlebar.
Section 40-6-298 of the Official Code of Georgia makes it a misdemeanor for any person to do any act forbidden or fail to perform any act required by the specific bike laws. This is something which all bike riders should take note. A violation of the code will be used by a defendant in an injury case to establish negligence on the part of the bike rider in an effort to avoid liability. Even more importantly, in extreme case it could also lead to a criminal conviction and possible jail time.
Finally, the Department of Public Safety is authorized to establish any additional standards and safety rules relating to bicycling

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