
Articles Posted in Medicare and Medicaid Fraud


Qui Tam Whistleblower Cases Under False Claims Act Explained

I have been asked to publicize a seminar at which I am speaking on handling qui tam whistleblower cases under the False Claims Act, the nation’s primary whistleblower law addressing fraud that steals government funds. Here is the announcement: AAJ will hold a “Qui Tam” Teleseminar on December 6, 2011…


Qui Tam Whistleblower Cases Produced $97 Million in Recoveries After Being Declined by Justice Department

When qui tam whistleblower cases under the False Claims Act are “declined” by the Department of Justice, the whistleblower or “relator” is authorized to pursue the case on the government’s behalf. The DOJ statistics below show that these declined cases have generated more than $97 million in recoveries for taxpayers…


New Supreme Court False Claims Act Decision Today: Could This Court Be Any Friendlier to Qui Tam Defendants?

False Claims Act history repeated itself today. Since Congress acted decisively in 1986 to breathe life into the False Claims Act through amendments intended to expand use of the nation’s major anti-fraud whistleblower law, the Supreme Court and some lower courts have regularly intervened by imposing their own views on…


Offshore Alert Conference: Protecting Whistleblowers from Criminal and Civil Liability

Of interest to whistleblowers reporting fraud under the False Claims Act, the IRS Whistleblower Program, or the brand new SEC Whistleblower and CFTC Whistleblower Programs is an upcoming presentation, “Avoiding the Mistakes of the UBS/Birkenfeld Case: Protecting Whistleblowers from Criminal and Civil Liability.” This discussion is part of a fascinating…


Part 6: States’ Experiences With Their Own False Claims Acts

This Part 6 is the final installment of an article explaining why the major qui tam whistleblower statute, the federal False Claims Act, has led to a wave of new state False Claims Acts. It is an updated version of part of a previously published article by whistleblower lawyer blog…


Health Care Fraud Cases and 2009-2010 Amendments to False Claims Act Discussed at National Fraud and Compliance Forum

At the annual Fraud and Compliance Forum in Baltimore that runs through Tuesday, the nation’s top health care lawyers will be paying close attention to recent changes to the nation’s primary whistleblower law, the False Claims Act. The “qui tam” provisions of the False Claims Act allow private citizen whistleblowers…


Health Care Industry and 2009-2010 Changes to False Claims Act

The health care industry is adjusting to major changes to the nation’s major “whistleblower” law, the False Claims Act. Both in 2009 and 2010, Congress has removed obstacles to whistleblowers’ use of this anti-fraud statute to address Medicare and Medicaid fraud, as well as fraud affecting every other federal program.…


Greatest Impact of 2009 False Claims Act Amendments–“Civil Investigative Demands”

Among the many 2009 changes to strengthen the False Claims Act is one whose impact is about to be experienced: greater use of “civil investigative demands” to gather evidence. Civil investigative demands allow to government to require any person believed to have documents or information relevant to a False Claims…


Georgia Psychiatric Hospitals: Justice Department Suit for Immediate Relief to Protect Patients

The Justice Department has just announced that, to protect patients from harm in seven Georgia psychiatric hospitals, its Civil Rights Division has filed for relief including immediate appointment of a monitor to protect those patients. DOJ cited the threat to patients of “imminent and serious threat of harm to their…


Health Care Fraud Lawyers Gather to Discuss Amendments to False Claims Act and Other Whistleblower Developments

Attorneys from across the country will gather tomorrow in Atlanta to discuss health care fraud and the 2009 amendments to the False Claims Act, the nation’s primary whistleblower statute. I am pleased to be on the panel discussing “False Claims Act Developments,” moderated by Jack Boese of Fried Frank. This…

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